Are you seeing an ROI on the industry events your business attends?

Event marketing can be a great way for you to connect with new prospects and strengthen relationships with current customers. From trade shows and industry focused events to facility tours and launch events. Midsole Marketing can help you navigate the often difficult task of organizing, attending, and seeing a return on events.

Event Marketing that Works

Business owners tend to love or hate events. You’ve either seen great success at trade shows or you’ve had a bad experience that resulted in thousands of dollars spent and nothing to show for it, but a branded table cloth and a bunch of unused flyers. We work with you to develop a real event strategy and support your salespeople to get a positive return at every opportunity.

Set Clear Goals to Achieve

Figure out what you want to achieve—maybe it’s generating leads, boosting brand awareness, or making key connections. Knowing your goals keeps you on track and lets you measure success. Without a goal in mind, you’re just sitting at a table hoping someone will come talk to you.

Develop a Strategic Plan for Your Event

Once we know what the mission is, it’s time to map out a plan to achieve those goals. Our team works with your team to design what your trade show booth or event will look like and how you’ll engage people. Midsole Marketing will develop a strategy that will catch your target audience’s eye and keep them interested.

Follow Through and Measure Results

It’s all in the follow up. Our event strategies are focused on making a great first impression at the event and usually includes a way to gain leads to follow up with after the event. We measure the results, work with your sales team to follow up with the prospects, and use events to generate a steady funnel of opportunities throughout the year.

Boost Your Brand and Build a Steady Pipeline of Prospects.

Working with Midsole means you'll have a partner dedicated to elevating your brand and generating a steady stream of prospects. Our experience in producing trade show booths, corporate events, and music festivals helps us develop memorable experiences for your ideal customers with growth focused strategies that drive growth. Let’s turn your events into powerful opportunities for growth and visibility in your industry.

Do you see events as an opportunity to connect with new prospects or to bring more value to your industry? Midsole Marketing is here to help you create memorable experiences for your customers, team members, and community.

With our subscription based services, Midsole Marketing will work with you and your team every step of the way. We handle everything from deciding on which events make sense to attend and plan to developing marketing materials and sales strategies to make it a success.

Let’s Get Started

Looking to improve your marketing efforts to grow your business? Fill out the form below to schedule a discovery meeting.